Jul 28, · What Should Be Included In An Adjunct Faculty Resume 1. Your name should be the biggest text on the page and be at or near the top of the document. Your address doesn't need 2. If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age 3. Your Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Make sure to make education a priority on your adjunct professor resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your adjunct professor experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins There are plenty of opportunities to land an Adjunct Professor job position, but it won’t just be handed to you. Crafting an Adjunct Professor resume that catches the attention of hiring managers is paramount to getting the job, and LiveCareer is here to help you stand out from the competition. View All Resume Examples. Customize this blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
Adjunct Professor Resume Examples | JobHero
Adjunct Professors are employed by universities and are responsible for developing course syllabus, adjunct faculty resume, monitoring student performance, assisting academic chairs, teaching class materials, instructing students outside class, adjunct faculty resume, and supervising various university activities.
The average example resume for Adjunct faculty resume Professor highlights academic expertise, organizational skills, teamwork, excellent communication and interpersonal abilities, computer competencies, and mentoring skills. Those seeking to become Adjunct Professors should highlight in their resumes a doctorate in the area they wish to teach and previous educational experience.
Looking for cover letter ideas? See our sample Adjunct Professor Cover Letter. Find out what is the best resume for you in our Ultimate Resume Format Guide. Planned, prepared, and conducted introductory course to the textile industry for Family Consumer Science and Fashion Merchandising students.
Utilized appropriate computer technology to enhance student learning process. Delivered instruction to approximately 30 students per semester in fundamentals of business law. Taught classes of community college students in Art Appreciation and Design D. Developed training objectives and measurable goals in Professional Development Courses classroom.
Adjunct faculty resume clear and measurable instructional goals for: Styles of Leadership, Interpersonal Relationships, Counseling, and Setting Goals. Responsible for the instruction of entry level college students in Western Civilization. Taught Fitness and Wellness classes to the student's body, present prepared materials, supervising organized adjunct faculty resume or shop activities.
Instructed and facilitated meaningful activities for Perspectives of Diversity in Education online course including weekly discussion threads, Web Quests, notes, reading assignments, lectures, quizzes and exams. Designed and instructed Ancient Greek Philosophy, Moral Problems, Seminar Heidegger: What is Called Thinking? for lower and upper division undergraduate students, adjunct faculty resume. Designed detailed curriculum for Foundations of Exercise Science, Exercise Adjunct faculty resume, Exercise Testing and Prescription, and Goal-Based Strength and Conditioning.
Provided classroom instruction on various disciplines and topics using a variety of teaching aids, adjunct faculty resume, such as lectures, discussions and videos to engage students in active learning. Lectured for 6 credits per semester- MSW students entering the field of Social Work. Teach undergraduate courses in criminal justice to include Criminal Investigations, Constitutional Law, adjunct faculty resume, Police Operations, Rules of Evidence and Forensic Cyber, adjunct faculty resume.
Taught Introduction to Philosophy, an undergraduate course averaging 20 students per semester, covering the following topics: Metaphysics, Logic, Epistemology, Ethics. Competent and proven experience working with student success and retention programs.
Teach classes of 30 students or more at multiple locations within the college's system. Joined humanities faculty to teach semester course on the Bible as literature; a course designed to promote respect and cooperation. Teach multiple classes each semester, including general English courses as well as in-depth writing courses.
Evaluate and grade students' class work, assignments, and adjunct faculty resume prepare and adjunct faculty resume lectures to undergraduate students on topics such as Principles of Marketing. Instructor of management consulting Capstone projects for EMBA candidate students. Class K Teaching Exceptional Learners in the Elementary School. Teach classroom principles of economics micro and macro to undergraduate students.
Teach Social Work with Groups course in the Master's Program both on the Simmons Campus and in the online program. Concorde serves the segment of the population seeking a career-focused education. Responsibilities included teaching courses in Early Childhood Administration and Management for students in the C. Facilitate classroom instruction, by assisting students to adjunct faculty resume effective paragraphs by adjunct faculty resume on sentences and paragraph construction, the writing process, grammar, usage, adjunct faculty resume, and mechanics.
As an adjunct professor, I motivate and engage my students in the study of biology using various teaching methods. Resume Examples Teaching Adjunct Professor Build a Resume Now. Adjunct Professor Resume Examples Adjunct Professors are employed by universities and are responsible for developing course syllabus, monitoring adjunct faculty resume performance, assisting academic chairs, teaching class materials, instructing students outside class, and supervising various university activities.
Edit This Resume Rate This Template:. High Quality The best examples from thousands of real-world resumes. Expert Approved Handpicked by resume experts based on rigorous standards. Diverse Examples Tailored for various backgrounds and experience levels. Candidate Info Adjunct Professor Planned, prepared, adjunct faculty resume, and conducted introductory course to the textile industry for Family Consumer Science and Fashion Merchandising students.
Planned, organized and taught a course aimed at fashion promotion for Fashion Merchandizing students. Created, organized, and instructed a laboratory manual to acquaint students with the fibers, adjunct faculty resume, yarns, fabricating, and finishing techniques associated with the textile industry, adjunct faculty resume.
Initiated interactive activities that furthered understanding and created a positive learning environment. Encouraged students to achieve their goals through open communication, positive feedback, and support. Candidate Info 6. Adjunct Professor Utilized appropriate computer technology to enhance student learning process.
Incorporated higher-level learning and assisted the students to develop information literacy and problem-solving skills. Developed policies to disseminate the course content. Provided opportunities for in-class discussions. Ensured that the content and level of material asked in exams are adequately covered in classroom teaching. Issued a revised version of 3 units in the current English curriculum being taught at the graduate level, incorporating activities based on the four skills namely reading, writing, speaking and listening which was highly commended by adjunct faculty resume Head of English Department.
Adjunct Professor - Business Law Delivered instruction to approximately 30 students per semester in fundamentals of business law Worked closely with other adjunct faculty to create multi-media curriculum for both classroom and online instruction Reviewed and assigned grades for students on a weekly basis Prepared, administered, and graded final examinations Met with students to discuss progress in class and academic improvement. Candidate Info 9. Adjunct Professor Taught classes of community college students in Art Appreciation and Design D Gave lectures and demonstrations according to the subject being studied Planned and taught essential elements of Art Created a adjunct faculty resume environment conducive to learning Created syllabi based on the department's teaching requirements adjunct faculty resume involved projects, museum visits and writing assignments Designed assignments and projects in accordance to the students various educational.
Candidate Info 5. Arranged full-contact student sessions with trained police officer - attacker Also lectured to students outside of the classroom for special events, adjunct faculty resume. Adjunct Professor Developed training objectives and measurable goals in Professional Development Courses classroom. Devised innovative course testing and training materials that enhanced the learning environment. Developed innovative training tools such as real-world practice adjunct faculty resume that facilitated the learning environment.
Created long short and long-term educational goals with each student and charted their educational and professional plans for continence growth. Taught two to four television production undergraduate classes per academic year as adjunct professor. Implemented distance learning technologies and strategies for classroom use utilizing WebEx and H. Managed the university-wide television production facility, including a 30X40 foot state of the art studio.
Produced multi-camera field adjunct faculty resume studio productions from documentaries and adjunct faculty resume shows to live sporting events. Developed and posted numerous productions for the web and new media platforms in support of University marketing and promotional goals.
Adjunct Professor of History Responsible for the instruction of entry level college students in Western Civilization Developed syllabus and course instruction to address learning centered environment. Adapted course to accommodate shorter span of history Established a community service alternative to term papers Consistently achieved a dropout rate below university and national standards. Candidate Info 7. Adjunct Professor Taught Fitness and Wellness classes to the student's body, present prepared materials, supervising organized laboratory or shop activities, adjunct faculty resume.
Manage and evaluate student progress for Fitness and Wellness classes Supervised and presented instructional material at scheduled times and places in accordance to the college catalog descriptions, course syllabi and outlines, adjunct faculty resume. Created a syllabus and utilized mandatory textbook for the Fitness and Wellness course. Adjunct Professor Instructed college algebra Developed math lessons and prepared instructional materials allocating time span for each lesson Recorded student grades and tracked progress throughout semester Incorporated various technologies in the classrooms including digital image projector and computer software and made appropriate use of math laboratory to perform practical of mathematics Helped students to understand mathematical structures, conjecture adjunct faculty resume verified solutions.
Online Adjunct Professor of Education Instructed and facilitated meaningful activities for Perspectives of Diversity in Education online course including weekly discussion threads, Web Quests, notes, reading assignments, lectures, quizzes and exams.
Served as a cooperative adjunct faculty resume for five aspiring teachers in the Teacher Education program, adjunct faculty resume.
Observed and critiqued student teacher lessons, level of engagement with students and professional Collaborated with and presented pertinent information, such as classroom management, reading.
Adjunct Professor Designed and instructed Ancient Greek Philosophy, Moral Adjunct faculty resume, Seminar Heidegger: What is Called Thinking? for lower and upper division undergraduate students Emphasized research as an on-going process of academic discovery and growth, encouraging students to see research and inquiry as activities central academic and everyday success Evaluated student writing with an emphasis on skills that are transferable to other classes and contexts Worked with a diverse population of students, including many international students and ESL students, and developed strategies for responding effectively to a wide range of writing abilities Encouraged students to develop clear and concise thesis statements and then work to tailor each assignment to their thesis Familiarity with PLO, SLO, and CLO requirements.
Adjunct Professor Designed detailed curriculum for Foundations of Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Exercise Testing and Prescription, and Goal-Based Strength and Conditioning.
Responsible for student evaluation, adjunct faculty resume, mentoring, and management. Utilized current technologies to assist in knowledge dispersal and coordination. Created and implemented curriculum for a new course Goal Based Strength and Conditioning Received positive feedback from students and faculty based on instructional performance. Adjunct Adjunct faculty resume Developed and managed syllabus materials Facilitated class instruction Evaluated student performance Responded promptly to grade determination Organized, prepared and revised as needed course materials Corrected and graded writing assignments.
Adjunct Professor for Early Childhood Education Assessed student learning through various methods Modeled a variety of teaching methodologies within a class Organized, prepare and revise as needed course materials Ensured content level of course materials in exams has been covered in class Designed, administer and grade examination papers. Adjunct Professor Taught two classes general chemistry, organic chemistry laboratory. Lectured two 75 minute lectures per week for sixteen weeks general chemistry.
Duties consisted of development of class materials general chemistry and streamlining of curricula organic chemistry laboratory. Emphasized both safe laboratory practices and technical writing in organic chemistry laboratory. Managed team of assistants — helping them grow as chemists and educators.
Assisted in stockroom management. Adjunct Professor Taught remedial mathematic class Taught statistic in every day class Provided personalized instruction to students in their development of academic skills Assisted, supported and guided students to a better understanding of mathematical and statistical concepts. Adjunct Professor of Business Administration Provided classroom instruction on various disciplines and topics using a variety of teaching aids, such as lectures, discussions and videos to engage students in active learning.
Developed and adjust the course syllabus according to curriculum and university guidelines. Fostered a classroom environment conducive to learning and character building.
Prepared, administered, and graded exams and assignments in order to evaluate student progress. Attended staff meetings and training programs as specified by the program of directors. Experience in Video Teaching and Teleconferencing.
4 Steps to Become a College Adjunct Instructor
, time: 3:57
Adjunct Professor Resume Examples. Adjunct Professors are employed by universities and are responsible for developing course syllabus, monitoring student performance, assisting academic chairs, teaching class materials, instructing students outside class, and supervising various university activities. The average example resume for Adjunct Professor highlights /5() There are plenty of opportunities to land an Adjunct Professor job position, but it won’t just be handed to you. Crafting an Adjunct Professor resume that catches the attention of hiring managers is paramount to getting the job, and LiveCareer is here to help you stand out from the competition. View All Resume Examples. Customize this blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Make sure to make education a priority on your adjunct professor resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your adjunct professor experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
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