It is common for students to ask the questions: “What does exemplification essay mean?” or “What is an exemplification essay?”. “Exemplification” seems like a long and complicated word, but in actuality, it isn’t. The dictionary defines the exemplification essay as a type of argumentative essay Example sentences of the word exemplification. 1. Noun, singular or mass Another effective way to start an exemplification essay is to pose a question or a series of questions that you will answer in the body of the essay Aug 25, · An exemplification essay does just that by demonstrating an idea or an opinion with clear examples and pieces of evidence. These essays belong to the argumentative category and use the exemplification rhetorical pattern to prove a point. Writing a perfect exemplification essay requires in-depth topic knowledge and a concrete writing strategy
Another word for EXEMPLIFICATION > Synonyms & Antonyms
as in instance as in sample as in specimen as in testament as in case as in materialization as in objectification as in personalization as in prosopopeia as in comparison as in definition as in embodiment as in epitome as in example as in exemplar. synonyms for exemplification. detail example item occasion occurrence particular precedent proof reason exponent ground illustration representative sample sampling specimen time case history case in point.
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © by the Philip Lief Group. Meet Grammar Coach, another name exemplification essay. How to use exemplification in a sentence. Another name exemplification essay have already another name exemplification essay an exemplification of this remark; and it is more strikingly illustrated in the present transaction.
He himself must be an exemplification of the saving health of God's countenance if he is to do good to others. Of this, a striking exemplification occurs in the history of Mr.
Gordon, Mr. Lewellin's early friend. It is deeply seated in human nature, being, in fact, no other than an exemplification of the force of habit. On reaching the mouth of St. Joseph's River 3da full exemplification of this striking effect of the lake action was exhibited.
No other country had been so fortunately situated for the exemplification of an unbroken and a National Church, another name exemplification essay. If this fact requires any further exemplificationwe can find one on a large scale in the pages of Marx himself.
But the old principle remains in operation still, of which military leadership was only one special exemplification. But here we have an exemplification of the old paradox of an irresistible force coming in contact with an immovable body.
SYNONYM OF THE DAY. OCTOBER 26, Choose the synonym for future. case noun example. case history exemplification illustration instance occasion occurrence representative sample sampling specimen.
cases noun example. baggage bags baskets bins boxes cabinets caddies caissons canisters capsules cartons cartridges casings caskets chambers chassis chests coffers compacts coverings covers crates another name exemplification essay cribs drawers envelopes folders grips holders integuments jackets receptacles safes scabbards sheaths shells suitcases trays trunks wallets wrappers wrappings. comparison noun contrasting; corresponding. allegory analogizing analogy analyzing association balancing bringing together collating collation comparability connection contrast correlation discrimination distinguishing dividing estimation example exemplification identification illustration juxtaposition likeness likening measuring metaphor observation opposition paralleling ratio relating relation resemblance segregation separation similarity testing weighing, another name exemplification essay.
comparisons noun contrasting; corresponding. allegories analogies analogizings analyzings associations balancings bringing togethers collatings collations comparability connections contrasts correlations discriminations distinguishings dividings estimations examples exemplifications identifications illustrations juxtapositions likenesses likenings measurings metaphors observations oppositions parallelings ratios relatings relations resemblances segregations separations similarities testings weighings.
definition noun description. analogue annotation answer characterization clarification clue comment commentary cue delimitation delineation demarcation denotation determination diagnosis drift elucidation exemplification explanation explication exposition expounding fixing formalization gloss individuation interpretation key outlining rationale rendering rendition representation settling signification solution statement of meaning terminology translation.
embodiment noun representation, manifestation. apotheosis archetype avatar cast collection comprehension conformation embracement encompassment epitome example exemplar exemplification expression form formation incarnation inclusion incorporation integration matter organization personification prosopopoeia quintessence realization reification structure symbol systematization type.
Exemplification Paragraph
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It is common for students to ask the questions: “What does exemplification essay mean?” or “What is an exemplification essay?”. “Exemplification” seems like a long and complicated word, but in actuality, it isn’t. The dictionary defines the exemplification essay as a type of argumentative essay Aug 25, · An exemplification essay does just that by demonstrating an idea or an opinion with clear examples and pieces of evidence. These essays belong to the argumentative category and use the exemplification rhetorical pattern to prove a point. Writing a perfect exemplification essay requires in-depth topic knowledge and a concrete writing strategy Example sentences of the word exemplification. 1. Noun, singular or mass Another effective way to start an exemplification essay is to pose a question or a series of questions that you will answer in the body of the essay
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