Download Jack the Ripper Coursework. Click the button below to download this worksheet for use in the classroom or at home. Download →. A six week teaching segment that will cover the main aspects of the three questions in assignment one. There should be four lessons that directly link to each of the questions and homework time should be Estimated Reading Time: 40 secs A consolidating lesson which looks at the social outcomes of the Ripper murders. Maxi-sourcework assessment Complete with markscheme to test knowledge and understanding (1 hour). Mini-Sourcework exercise on Jack the Ripper Complete with markscheme to test knowledge and understanding (30 minutes) Mar 17, · Jack the Ripper History Coursework - GCSE History - Marked by Extracts from this document Introduction Jack the Ripper History Coursework By Chris Rowland 1) Study Source A What can you learn from source A about the Jack the Ripper Coursework - Free PDF Download - School History Download Jack the Ripper Coursework Aimed at Students studying at UK Year GCSE or
Jack the Ripper Coursework - Free PDF Download
What can You Learn From Source A about the Murder of Martha Tabram and Polly Nichols? Firstly, the newspaper links the two murders by focusing on their similarities. However, since source A is a newspaper article, the information it provides jack the ripper gcse coursework be taken with a pinch of salt, as newspapers tend to sensationalize their stories in order to gain a greater readership.
Explain Your Answer. Source C gives a very detailed account of jack the ripper gcse coursework body of Elizabeth Stride. It is quite objective and informative, merely stating observational facts.
Whereas Sources A and B are more persuasive and speculative — they both harbour ideas about the nature of the murderer and his motives. Both Sources A and B indicate that the way the victims were killed was exceptionally brutal. Source A, probably to arouse the sympathies of its readers, focuses greatly on the vulnerability of the victims.
Source C, albeit tenuously, can be interpreted to support this view. It makes her seem more feminine and innocent in the eyes of the reader, and therefore more vulnerable.
To conclude, the nature of the murder described in Source C does not coincide very neatly with the murders in Sources A and B. There are some similarities, as discussed above, between the descriptions, but the points of contention are greater. Elizabeth Jack the ripper gcse coursework does not seem to have any ulterior motives for providing evidence — for instance, no reward was offered to her.
However, the utility of her evidence to the police is very low, because she herself is unsure of its accuracy. Although her description was quite useless to the police, it is very useful in helping us understand why the Ripper was not caught.
Secondly, Ms Long did not find the activity suspicious enough to wait and see what happened next — if she did, she may have been able to witness the actual murder taking place. This shows that the fact that the Ripper was targeting prostitutes meant that people turned a blind-eye to their activities.
This made it even harder for the police to find any useful leads on the Ripper; since most people who saw prostitutes probably ignored them. Source E has a very obvious bias, since it is a newspaper article. However, after stripping the article of its more fanciful descriptions, there are some facts about Whitechapel that would have definitely made it easier for the Ripper to escape from the crime scene.
This means that it would have been difficult for the police to know who to focus on, since everyone would be partaking in illegal activities, and everyone would look suspicious. Looking for the Ripper amongst all this would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. The article goes on to accuse the police of negligence. One must bear in mind however, that this was a newspaper article, and in slandering the police, it may just have been humouring its readership — the police were unpopular with a lot of the public, especially the working class.
What we can be sure of is that the nature of Whitechapel and its inhabitants made jack the ripper gcse coursework very hard for the police to catch the Ripper, and if the police really were being neglectful, it would have made it all the easier for him to escape.
The Met Police was a relatively new organisation, jack the ripper gcse coursework, and the Ripper murders were of a nature they had never encountered before. Until then, the main duties of policemen were to maintain order on the streets, and to deter crime. The police did have a Criminal Intelligence Department, with almost detectives, jack the ripper gcse coursework, but this department was in a germinal state, jack the ripper gcse coursework, with little experience and no developed procedure.
So actually finding the Ripper would have been an immense task for the police, who were ill-prepared for such an investigation.
Source F - which can be trusted because it was written by the police themselves - clearly shows that the police relied heavily on witnesses. So without any valid evidence, the police had to resort to distributing leaflets, jack the ripper gcse coursework, enquiring at lodging houses, and questioning characters whom they believed were suspicious; to try and find leads to the Ripper.
This included butchers, slaughterers, and sailors. One policeman even dressed up as a prostitute, in the hope of ensnaring the Ripper, but his disguise fooled no one. They evidently took the matter very seriously as they wrote to the home secretary asking him to supply jack the ripper gcse coursework reward Source G. To them, the police were not trying hard enough. Although the police were in out of their depth as regards to the Ripper; and some of their decisions were questionable jack the ripper gcse coursework they do seem to have put in a lot of effort — albeit futile — into their investigation.
It was the responsibility of the police to capture the murderer, but there were many factors beyond their control that made it very difficult for them to carry out such a task.
Most hindering for the police was the nature of the crimes. Finding links between the victims and murderer, was not easy, to say the least. The police could not predict who the next victim would be, especially when there were thousands of prostitutes in Whitechapel, the majority of them unrecorded. To their discredit, the police handled the few, tenuous links they had quite poorly.
Despite this, the police did not investigate any doctors, jack the ripper gcse coursework. The police did not have the resources to investigate every area of London, and if they did find a suspect, they needed evidence proving he was at the crime scene to convict him, jack the ripper gcse coursework. In this respect, the police were unlucky.
This left the police with two more ways to convict the Ripper — catch him red-handed, or have the Ripper confess in person; both of them short of a miracle. Walking the streets, detecting crime, was the most experienced field of the police. Unfortunately for the police, the way Whitechapel was constructed rendered their efforts to catch him red-handed ineffective.
The streets themselves had little lighting, so officers could see nothing except what fell under the light of their lanterns. Thus, the failure of the police to detect the Ripper on one of their patrols was through no fault of there own. The fact that there were so many prostitutes in the area is a testament to this.
If the government had provided shelter, or even alternative employment, for vulnerable women, deaths like that of Polly Nichols, who needed money for a bed in a lodging house, could have been prevented. Most importantly, there would be a far fewer number of prostitutes on the streets, making it easier for them to be policed and kept track of — since the sheer number of prostitutes in Whitechapel severely limited the ability of the police to protect them, and predict who the Ripper might attack next.
Get Full Access Now. See related essays. Towards the end of the letter he writes, 'My knife's so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away if I get a chance. At first it was thought to be a hoax, jack the ripper gcse coursework, as they received so many from people claiming to be the killer, but after.
It's also limited because it doesn't tell us the purpose why they were written. However, it is a primary source so includes some reliability. Source B1 demonstrates just how much Whitechapel was overcrowded.
This shows it would be very easy for 'Jack' to blend in or get away from the police. In October the police and news agencies started getting letters signed Jack the Ripper.
In the letters the Ripper described his victims and wrote that he would continue killing women. The police believed that the letters were written by a journalist, however. The police of the late eighteenth century were generally unprepared for the arrival of such a strong character as Jack the Ripper.
If the police had been formed earlier it is possible that advances would have been made to catch the killer but from this clear description, the police were obviously not organised enough. with human bodies before whilst having knowledge of the human body and where certain organs are, to then go on to describe that it they would have more knowledge than a butcher suggesting maybe a surgeon was the murderer.
The fact thatsoldiers were evacuated from the beaches at Dunkirk would seems to support this view. One of the reasons put forward for Hitler not ordering an attack was that he believed that Britain had suffered from the might of the German army once and that this experience.
or that he had a job meaning that he would have his own house. One of the stranger things the police did was use silent boots. There logic was that the killer would here the police man approach and so the killer would not run away.
And then she begins to give estimations and vague descriptions such as "I think he was wearing a dark coat but I cannot be sure" which doesn't give the police much to go on.
Elizabeth also made assumptions such as "he seemed to be" and "looked to me like a foreigner, as well as I could make out". Want to read the rest? Sign up to view the whole essay and download the PDF for anytime access on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Get Full Access Now or Learn more. Don't have an account yet? Create one now! Already have an account? Log in now! JavaScript seem to be disabled in your browser.
You jack the ripper gcse coursework have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Search Search Share this essay: Facebook. Join over 1. Home GCSE History History Projects. Jack the Ripper Source Analysis Coursework. Level : GCSE Subject : History Topic : History Projects Word count : Sign up to Marked by Teachers Save. Download the full document Accessother essays Get writing advice from teachers. Related History documents Jack the Ripper questions and answers.
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, time: 1:30:11Jack the Ripper - History, Victims, Letters, Suspects.
Jack the Ripper. Letter Dated 25th September and sent to the offices of the Central News Agency, 27th September. Source F. Punch, September 2nd, (The caption reads “turn round three times and catch who you may”) Source E “Crime and prostitution lingered amidst the poverty and squalor, especially in parts of Admin The Jack The Ripper murders occurred between August 31st, , and November 9th, Although we can't say for certain, it is widely believed that Jack the Ripper had 5 victims. Those five victims were, Mary Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes and Mary blogger.comg: gcse History Coursework: Jack the ripper! GCSE Watch. Announcements Applying to uni in ? Start researching unis here >> start new discussion reply. Page 1 of 1. Go to first unread Skip to page: Aysh_09 Badges: 0 #1 Report Thread starter 11 years ago #1 Does anyone know the grade boundaries/ mark scheme for Jack the ripper (History- Edexcel
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