In this PhD thesis we are concerned with differential equations which are equivariant under the action of certain finite groups. The thesis consists of three articles. In the first place we investigate the Hopf bifurcation and synchronization properties of a N £ N system of Applied Mathematics Theses and Dissertations. This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Applied Mathematics, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. Follow. Theses/Dissertations from PDF Ph. D. Thesis Applied Mathematics Oksana Shatalov ISOMETRIC EMBEDDINGS ‘m 2! ‘ n p AND CUBATURE FORMULAS OVER CLASSICAL FIELDS Supervisor: Prof. Y.I. Lyubich. THE RESEARCH THESIS WAS DONE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF PROF. YURI I. LYUBICH IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS I AM SINCERELY GRATEFUL TO MY SCIENTIFIC
Recent PhD Theses - Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | University of Waterloo
Numerical Methods for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations with Applications. Stochastic Effects and Fractal Kinetics in the Pharmacokinetics of Drug Transport. Stability and Control of Caputo Fractional Order Systems. Efficient Finite-difference Methods for Sensitivity Analysis of Stiff Stochastic Discrete Models of Biochemical Systems.
Nonlinear Preconditioning Methods for Optimization and Parallel-In-Time Methods for 1D Scalar Hyperbolic Partial Phd thesis applied mathematics Equations. Clustering behaviour in networks with time delayed all-to-all coupling. Persistent oscillations in the Aplysia bag cell network. The hydrodynamics of two-dimensional oscillating flows over ripples: the effect of asymmetries in ripple shape and currents. Direct Numerical Simulation of Salt Fingering Gravity Currents and Double-Diffusive Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities.
Evolutionary Dynamics of Cancer: Spatial and Heterogeneous Effects. Non-compact groups, tensor operators and applications to quantum gravity. Decoupling of Information Propagation from Energy Propagation. Mathematical Modelling of Social Factors in Decision Making Processes at the Individual and Population Levels. Stability of Coastal Jets: Linear Stability Calculations and Nonlinear Simulations.
Simulation of Vortex Interactions With a Solid Wall Using Adaptive Mesh Refinement. Algorithms and Models for Tensors and Networks with Applications in Data Science. The Effects of Confinement on Kelvin-Helmholtz Billows.
On Stability and Stabilization of Hybrid Systems. Bifurcation Analysis of Large Networks of Neurons. The Effects of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Noise on a Tumour and a Phd thesis applied mathematics Metastasis Model.
Modeling Interactions of Graphene with Electrolyte in the Field-Effect Transistor Configuration. Function-valued Mappings and SSIM-based Optimization in Imaging. Energy transport in saturated porous media. Qualitative Studies of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems.
Cerebrospinal Fluid Pulsations and Aging Effects in Mathematical Models of Hydrocephalus. A Poroelastic Model of Transcapillary Flow. The Modelling of Biological Growth: a Pattern Theoretic Approach. Department of Applied Mathematics University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3G1 Phone:ext, phd thesis applied mathematics.
Provide website feedback. The University of Waterloo acknowledges that much of our work takes place on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples.
Our main campus is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land granted to the Six Nations that phd thesis applied mathematics six miles on each side of the Grand River. Our active work toward reconciliation takes place across our campuses through research, learning, teaching, and phd thesis applied mathematics building, and is centralized within our Indigenous Initiatives Office.
Skip to main Skip to footer. Applied Mathematics, phd thesis applied mathematics. Applied Mathematics home Department members Programs and courses Research areas Events Research links News Career opportunities Contact us.
Applied Mathematics Graduate students. Recent PhD Theses - Applied Mathematics. Contact Info Department of Applied Mathematics University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3G1 Phone:phd thesis applied mathematics, ext. Provide website feedback PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader. University of Waterloo. WaterlooONCanada N2L 3G1. uwaterloo social directory. Log in. Relativistic Theory of the Interaction of Two-Dimensional Materials with Moving Charged Particles.
The Interactions of Graphene with Ionic Solutions and Their Effects on the Differential Capacitance for Sensing Applications. Invariant manifold theory for impulsive functional differential equations with applications. Numerical Simulations of Internal Solitary and Solitary-Like Waves: Wave Interactions and Instabilities. Quasi-Hopf Symmetry in Loop Quantum Gravity with Cosmological constant and Spinfoams with timelike surfaces.
A parallel, adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for hyperbolic problems on unstructured meshes. Exploring Practical Methodologies for the Characterization and Control of Small Quantum Systems. Entanglement in single-shot quantum channel discrimination. High resolution simulations of mode-2 internal waves: transport, shoaling, and the influence of rotation. Impulsive Control of Dynamical Networks. On Perturbative Methods in Spectral Geometry. Lithium-Ion battery SOC estimation.
Superconvergence, Superaccuracy, and Stability of the Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method. Large eddy simulations and subgrid scale motions in stratified turbulence.
The quest for "diagnostically lossless" medical image compression using objective image quality measures. Focusing and Vertical Mode Scattering of the First Mode Internal Tide via Mesoscale Eddy Interactions. Qualitative Theory of Switched Integro-differential Equations with Applications. Mathematical models for angiogenic, metabolic and apoptotic processes in tumours. High-Order Finite-Volume Schemes for Magnetohydrodynamics.
High-Order Numerical Methods in Lake Modelling. Mathematical Modeling of Secondary Malignancies and Associated Treatment Strategies. Optimal Direction-Dependent Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles. On the Geometry of IFS Fractals and its Applications. Application of Mixture Theory to solid tumors and normal pressure hydrocephalus. Stratified Flow Over Topography: Steady Nonlinear Waves, Boundary Layer Instabilities, and Crater Topography.
Control of Hysteresis in the Landau-Lifshitz Equation. Bounded Control of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Three Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modelling of Lake Erie: Kelvin Wave Propagation and Potential Effects of Climate Change on Thermal Structure and Dissolved Oxygen . Angles, Majorization, Wielandt Inequality and Applications. Algebraic Multigrid for Markov Chains and Tensor Decomposition. Kinetic Modeling of Pyruvate Recycling Pathways in Pancreatic β-Cells.
The discontinuous Galerkin method on Cartesian grids with embedded geometries: spectrum analysis and implementation for Euler equations. A Study of the Structural Similarity Image Quality Measure with Applications to Image Processing. Study of Singular Capillary Surfaces and Development of the Cluster Newton Method. Some Theory and Applications of Probability in Quantum Mechanics. Energy Shaping for Systems with Two Degrees of Phd thesis applied mathematics. Topics in Chemical Reaction Network Theory.
Stability and Hopf Bifurcation Analysis of Hopfield Neural Networks with a General Distribution of Delays. Generalizing sampling theory for time-varying Nyquist phd thesis applied mathematics using self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators with deficiency indices 1,1 in Hilbert spaces. Qualitative Properties of Stochastic Hybrid Systems and Applications. Efficient Stockwell Transform with Applications to Image Processing. Simulation of the Navier-Stokes Equations in Three Dimensions with a Spectral Collocation Method, phd thesis applied mathematics.
Internal Wave Generation and Near-Resonant Interactions: Theory and Applications. Bayesian Inference Methods Applied to Cancer Research. Modeling of Brain Tumors: Effects of Microenvironment and Associated Therapeutic Strategies, phd thesis applied mathematics. Dynamical Systems Methods Applied to the Michaelis-Menten and Lindemann Mechanisms. Resolution Enhancement in Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Frequency Extrapolation.
Information flow at the quantum-classical boundary. Internet Congestion Control: Modeling and Stability Analysis. Inverse Problems and Self-similarity in Imaging. Bandlimited functions, curved manifolds, phd thesis applied mathematics, and self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators. Hedging Contingent Claims in Markets with Jumps. Spectral analysis of internal waves generated by tide-topography interaction.
Stability and Boundedness of Impulsive Systems with Time Delay. Hydrodynamic Modelling of the Electronic Response of Carbon Nanotubes. The Sigma-Delta Modulator as a Chaotic Nonlinear Dynamical System.
PhD in Applied Mathematics
, time: 4:39Applied Mathematics Theses and Dissertations | Applied Mathematics Department | Western University
The Doctor of Philosophy program in applied mathematics is intended for students with superior computational and mathematical modeling ability. The program emphasizes a solid mathematical foundation and promotes creative scholarship in an application discipline. The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Arizona State University has faculty in applied Core courses: 15 Degree Requirements Applied Mathematics MS Degree - 30 points course requirement before the PhD written qualifying exam, with a Minimum GPA unless a Written Qualifying Examination courses suggested for preparation for the written qualifying examination are listed in 30 points of courses Ph. D. Thesis Applied Mathematics Oksana Shatalov ISOMETRIC EMBEDDINGS ‘m 2! ‘ n p AND CUBATURE FORMULAS OVER CLASSICAL FIELDS Supervisor: Prof. Y.I. Lyubich. THE RESEARCH THESIS WAS DONE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF PROF. YURI I. LYUBICH IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS I AM SINCERELY GRATEFUL TO MY SCIENTIFIC
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