Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The cold war essay

The cold war essay

the cold war essay

The Cold War essay. The Cold War is one of the most intense era in post-war history. It is basically a dispute between the ideologies of democracy and communism, which were advocated and defended by two respective nations, the United States and the Soviet Union. This dispute stretched from political ideologies to economic and diplomatic disputes between the two superpowers of the blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins The Cold war is a period of sustained political and military duress and unrest between the Western Superpowers, viz. The USA Of America, and its NATO allies, and the communist world, led by the erstwhile Soviet Union, its satellite states and allies – It occurred post the 2nd world war, and was a “mixture of religious crusade in favour of one ideology or the other, and of the most ruthless  · Long Essay on Cold War Essay Words in English. Long Essay on Cold War Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and Cold War was the state of mounting tension between the USA and Soviet Russia after the Second World War was over for Supremacy in the world as the Super Power. The United States of America became the representative of the capitalist countries, and the Soviet Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins

The Cold War () essay

The Cold War is one of the most intense era in post-war history. It is basically a dispute between the ideologies of democracy and communism, which were advocated and defended by two respective nations, the United States and the Soviet Union. This dispute stretched from political ideologies to economic and diplomatic disputes between the two superpowers of the world. It is a conflict with battles of all forms, propaganda, economic war, and even military aggression at several opportunities. The three underlying aspects to which the Soviet Union and the United States clashed were opposing ideologies, economic vision, and competition for power.

First is ideological conflict. The contrasting systems of the cold war essay between the United States and the Soviet Union lie in the electoral mandate given in a democracy and the dictatorial privileges imposed in communism. Democratic countries empower their people by choosing the individual they see fitting to govern them to progress, which communist countries are ruled by an iron fist where one man is the sole authority of the entire population.

Democracy allows for liberties in speech, assembly, the cold war essay, and economic enterprise unlike communism where everything is controlled and owned by the state. In the economic aspect, the US campaigned for an international free trade while the USSR wanted to economically isolate itself from the world market.

Russia saw that such trade opportunities would lead to the infiltration of Western influences within. This was a potential threat to the stability of a totalitarian regime. There were three principal causes that led to the conflict between the US and the Soviet Union. First is the expansionist movements of the Russians in Europe. Prior the end of World War II, Russia has already expanded her sphere of influence and even territory in different European states.

The Russian Red Army was able to liberate a large area the cold war essay eastern Europe and eventually gained control to more countries. After the Yalta Conference, the cold war essay, Russia was granted the Curzon Line as its new boundary which includes Poland and East Germany.

After the war, in order to ensure control over countries that they have liberated from the Axis powers, the Russians interfered with local elections and rigged the results in order to impose their policies through the elected leader that they favor.

Another factor is that the United States reacted negatively on this Russian expansionism as then President Harry S. Truman declared that his government will not adhere to the agreements that his predecessor has made with Russia because he did not trust the Russians would keep their end of the bargain. He strongly resisted the expansion of Russia.

Third is that this distrust of the Truman government towards communist Russia led to the deterioration of the US-Soviet Union relations. The Cold War led to a worldwide struggle for dominance. The communists tried to expand their sphere of influence while America tried to prevent this in every possible way. As nations became divided due to opposing political ideologies, their pursuits were supported by their own superpower. Although Russia and America did not directly invade one another, their avenues of military conflicts were in Germany, Cuba, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea, the cold war essay, Afghanistan and more.

These countries have become divided at one point or another and suffered from standards of living with obvious discrepancies. The Cold War has also led to the furthering of the nuclear age, where warfare has become very advanced in terms of stealth technologies, the cold war essay, surveillance activities, guns, ammunitions, missiles, and more. The Cold War has also brought mankind to different depths of science, as Russia and America raced to the outer space and eventually to the moon.

The Soviet Union eventually collapsed and the Cold War era has ended. Communism failed in most countries, with only China, Vietnam, and North Korea as the most known surviving communist nations.

This downfall of the Soviet empire came as a significant turning point in history as it left the United States as the sole the cold war essay of the world. Gorbachev appeared as a left-wing Social Democrat who favored free elections but also believed in restriction of private ownership. At first, Gorbachev sounded a promising leader who would be able to raise the Russian standard of living. But onthe Berlin Wall fell and communism in Germany had failed. Germany was reunited, the cold war essay, but the price was bloody and horrific.

Although Gorbachev had brought the Cold War to an end, his political reign brought Russia into further economic turmoil and had Russia has lost her East European territories. In August ofthere were fears that the Soviet Union would breakup and lose its strength. The military made immediate actions and placed Gorbachev under house. But their coup the cold war essay was left with poor organization and was not properly executed. They radiated weakness in their new conferences and they failed to project enough will and resolve.

This enabled Boris Yeltsin to gain strong public support, as he charismatically climbed the military tanks and pleaded the military to put the conflict into a halt. Russia was no longer a communist nation, it has. Skip to content Home Free Essays The Cold War essay.

Origins of the Cold War

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The Cold War essay Essay — Free college essays

the cold war essay

Cold War Essay The cold war is considered to be a significant event in modern world history. The USSR should be help mostly responsible due to stalin’s over paranoia, soviet expansion, and the marshall plan. The United States also had some resentment towards the Soviet Union because of the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact Essays on Cold War. The Cold War was about confrontations between the USSR and the US that are a fascinating occurrence in the world history. Our Cold War essay samples explore various events from brinkmanship, escalating arms race, and the many small wars that followed  · Long Essay on Cold War Essay Words in English. Long Essay on Cold War Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and Cold War was the state of mounting tension between the USA and Soviet Russia after the Second World War was over for Supremacy in the world as the Super Power. The United States of America became the representative of the capitalist countries, and the Soviet Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins

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