The word “reflective” is an adjective used to describe the kind of report or writing you are required to submit for your Diploma. Therefore a reflective account can be understood as a real or true story of how you have carried out an activity at work or an action you took in the past and why you took the action Reflection on Nursing Handover Words | 9 Pages. Code of professional conduct, confidentiality shall be maintained and the patient’s name is changed to protect indentity. Reflective writing is considered a key component of portfolio assessment because it provides evidence of skills development and increasing clinical competence (Smith ) · Tips on how to write an effective reflective account record Your reflective account can cover any area of your practice Try and strike a balance between a very brief description, which may lack important detail, and a very thorough account Provide at
How To Write A Reflective Account Of My Professional | Bartleby
The reflective account was first introduced as part of revalidation in and one of its main aims is to encourage you to think about how you are meeting the standards for pharmacy professionals. If you have a registration renewal deadline on or before 30 Aprilyou will only need to submit a reflective account when you renew your registration. You will need to make the required declarations and pay the fee; but you will not need to submit a peer discussion record or any planned or unplanned CPD records.
Writing the reflective account will increase your awareness and understanding of the standards and help you to reflect on how your practice affects the people using your services. Which standards should I reflect on? You should reflect on one or more of the following standards:. standard 3 - pharmacy professionals must communicate effectively. standard 6 - pharmacy professionals must behave professionally. You can include reflections on any of the other standards, but you must select at least one standard from the above list.
We would encourage you to consider your experiences during the COVID pandemic when completing your reflective account, although this is not essential. Find out more. I am a ward-based pharmacist working in a hospital setting. My main role is to ensure that medicines are prescribed safely and appropriately, that nurses know how to administer them and when to monitor for side effects and that patients are kept informed and counselled. I am also responsible for ordering medications for patients on the ward, writing a reflective account.
My other duties involve writing a reflective account drug history taking, recording of allergies, checking the reason for admission and rationale for medication changes, writing a reflective account, that prescribing follows hospital guidelines, writing a reflective account, that medicines are clearly prescribed and making interventions where necessary.
We do not have electronic prescribing at the hospital - all medications are entered on the computer system manually and make up the list of medication that the patient is on.
It is therefore very important that the computer records are accurate, maintained and checked at point of discharge.
As part of the writing a reflective account process I counsel patients on any changes made to their medications and advise them that their discharge letter will be their written record of any medicines stopped, started or changed as a result of their hospital stay, writing a reflective account.
This year we had an intake of new doctors. Several patients were being discharged and the doctors attempted to use the system to make changes to their medication. I found numerous errors had been made. Rather than just correcting the errors myself I spent time with the new doctors to increase their understanding of the system and improve patient safety.
I introduced myself to the doctors; explained my role, showed them how the system works and how to prepare the drug list, writing a reflective account. The doctors said that they had a better understanding of the system now. New doctors are now assigned pharmacist 'buddies' who they can contact for help and advice if needed, writing a reflective account.
I put this forward as an example of behaving professionally and communicating effectively in the interests of patient safety. This reflection covers all the criteria perfectly. You have set the scene of your role and scope of practice and detailed the users of your practice as patients and the wider multi-disciplinary team. Your example directly shows great evidence of meeting the professional standards.
It is thorough and well written, writing a reflective account. In addition, the example of the new doctors demonstrates how your initiative has set up a scheme that is ongoing and hugely beneficial. I work as a part-time locum community pharmacist, currently in two different pharmacy settings that provide a range of services to patients and public. One location is a hour pharmacy in an edge-of-town supermarket and includes some out-of-hours work.
The other pharmacy is in a small market town, open daytime hours only and serving a largely rural population. In both pharmacies I consult with patients and customers about their self-care needs and communicate with them about accessing medical care as appropriate.
This summer a new Minor Ailment Service MAS specification and guidance was launched. This was in line with national guidance from NHS England encouraging people to self-care for minor illnesses, using over-the-counter OTC medicines as appropriate, rather writing a reflective account routinely seeking prescribed medicines.
Self-care posters and patient leaflets promoted the service and a self-care referral form was introduced for pharmacists to use when referring a patient to a GP.
In the market town pharmacy, there is already a strong self-care mindset among local residents. explaining what to do if symptoms do not resolve or the condition worsens, or referring on for medical care. This has always been verbal communication although I do recommend that customers consult the NHS Choices website for further details or as a reminder of advice given. After the introduction of the referral form in August I considered its use.
I would give further clarity to the GP practice about the reason for referral. Also, after reflection on the initial referrals that had been done, it became clear that the GP practice also sought a recommendation on how soon a patient may need to be seen to guide their receptionists in scheduling an appropriate appointment. This has now been incorporated into practice at this pharmacy. I would then communicate back to the patient to expect a same day phone call, usually from a nurse practitioner, followed by treatment or onward referral to a GP appointment as necessary.
I would issue them with a completed referral form. In the supermarket pharmacy I have not yet used the self-care referral form and have always communicated advice and recommendations to the patient verbally. Since much of my work is in the out-of-hours period, I communicate options to the patient depending on the severity of their condition, writing a reflective account.
Typically, this includes advising them about the extended hours access centre, phoning or advising them to phone their GP practice as soon as it opens in the morning. I frequently explain that they need to ask for a same day appointment for an acute condition and to advise them that they have already consulted a pharmacist.
I find that patients often need this extra advice in helping them navigate through our healthcare systems.
Reflecting on my communication skills in these scenarios I have identified ways in which I can enhance the patient experience when seeking self-care advice; signposting them to useful health advice resources and by optimising the support I give in obtaining timely medical care.
I have also recently worked through the toolkit for the new Community Pharmacy Consultation Service, I note that these features have all been incorporated into the service. Your description of the two very different pharmacies in which you work and the different patients and situations you encounter sets the context for this reflective account very well.
We enjoyed the level of detail. You have focused writing a reflective account GPhC standard 3 about communication, and have reflected on your consultation skills, discussed the services you are providing with a colleague and clearly described how the way in which you communicate with patients in two different sessions to demonstrate that you are meeting the requirements of Standard 3. Skip to main content, writing a reflective account. Accessibility tools Accessibility Cymraeg English.
Writing effective reflective account records 17 December In this article we have brought together some tips to help you write effective reflective account records, and included a couple of example reflective account records with the feedback they received from our reviewers. Your reflective account should cover: which of the three standards you have selected at least one clear example of how you have met one or more of the three relevant standards your main roles and responsibilities the setting and scope of your practice your typical service users Tips on how to write an effective reflective account record Which standards should I reflect on?
You should reflect on one or more of the following standards: standard 3 - pharmacy professionals must communicate effectively standard 6 - pharmacy professionals must behave professionally standard 9 - pharmacy professionals must demonstrate leadership You can include reflections on any of the other standards, but you must select at least one standard from the above list. Find out more Your reflective account can cover any area of your practice Try and strike a balance between a very brief description, which may lack important detail, and a very thorough account which may provide too much, possibly unnecessary, information Provide at least one real and specific example to support your account, so that we can see how you have reflected on your chosen standard s.
The standards for pharmacy professionals are all inter-related, so you will find that you can show how you have met more than one of them using just one example.
Do not use examples which are vague or too broad; they will not be marked well by reviewers The example you choose should be relevant to your practice as a pharmacy professional and should focus on how you, personally, are writing a reflective account the standard s writing a reflective account, rather than your team as a whole Do not disclose names or confidential information about patients when writing your record On a practical note, make sure you initially spell out or explain any acronyms you use, writing a reflective account, as others who do not work in your area of practice may not be familiar with them Example of a reflective account from a hospital setting I am a ward-based pharmacist working in a hospital setting.
Typical users of my services are patients, doctors, nurses, other healthcare professionals. Reflective account feedback This reflection covers all the criteria perfectly, writing a reflective account. Example of a reflective account from a community setting I work as a part-time locum community writing a reflective account, currently in two different pharmacy settings that provide a range of services to patients and public.
Reflective account feedback Your description of the two very different pharmacies in which you work and the different patients and situations you encounter sets the context for this reflective account very well. Celebrating ten years of pharmacy technician registration. This July we have marked the year anniversary of pharmacy technician registration It became a legal requirement for pharmacy technicians to register with the GPhC from 1 July and pharmacy Managing concerns about pharmacy professionals: our strategy for change.
This month we published our new five-year strategy for how we will manage concerns about pharmacy professionals Our governing council agreed the finalised strategy in their meeting in June, following Have you given your feedback on how we propose to set fees in the future?
Share your views on how we set our fees by 2 June We are asking for your views on how we set fees for registered pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, including our proposal to keep a flat fee New joint national plan to make pharmacy practice more inclusive. The GPhC is one of 12 partner organisations supporting a new national plan for inclusive pharmacy practice in England Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Dr Keith Ridge, Royal Pharmaceutical Society Equality, diversity and inclusion consultation: we want your views.
Writing a reflective account us shape our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion We are now consulting on our five-year strategy to deliver equality, improve diversity and foster inclusion. This strategy brings a
How to Write a Reflection Paper - Full Reflection Essay Writing Guide - Peachy Essay ��
, time: 5:14Writing effective reflective account records | General Pharmaceutical Council
· Recording your written reflective accounts. You must use the reflective accounts form to record your written reflective accounts. These accounts don't need to be lengthy or academic-style pieces of writing. You can simply note down what you learnt, how it improved your practice, and how it relates to the Code A reflective account is usually a write up of how you have carried out part of your job in the past. It could be yesterday or a week, month or years ago as long as you use past tense. It maybe how you dealt with a health emergency, an abusive situation or how you have used a particular piece of equipment in the past. Your account will be a record of events that actually happened. It must be Reflective Account Essay Example. Mrs M’s table is called the ‘assisted table’. I assisted her with her starter, which was soup. Staff then gave me her main meal, which I encouraged Mrs M to participate on eating on her own. Mrs M seemed to enjoy her lunch and ate it all. Mrs X and Mrs Z then escorted Mrs M back to the lounge
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